Last week we got into vaccination policies and how you can approach that or not. This week we follow up on some of the great conversation around this topic from the Bureau Slack Channels on the same topic.
It's pretty obvious we're in unchartered territory here. As the pandemic continues to make headlines, we're staying focused on what comes next. For many of us, that involves growing the team and getting back to the office. Which explains why the Bureau Slack has been very chatty regarding vaccination policies. Read on for info on what to consider plus links to articles and resources that can help. And before you put any policy in place, have your legal team look it over. This stuff is tricky.
Another rough day. Everything feels like one step forward and two steps back. Somebody new joins the team... another person leaves. And that person that left was loved by the client. A client who is now cranky because the team keeps changing. So you make time to smooth things over. But... you're tired. And for every hurdle you clear you can see two more ahead of you. So where do you find the energy to keep going? Journey on fearless reader, the answers await you below.
I get it. You've had that position open for two months and work isn't getting done. But bring in someone who isn't a team player, no matter how talented, and things will get worse. If you haven't before, read The No Asshole Rule. Or actually, just write "No Assholes" on a post-it note and keep it near your computer. Oh, and keep reading for more reassurances on why it's always a bad idea to hire a jerk.
Ever been involved in a lawsuit or gotten real close to it? Here's some war stories that Carl and Gene have been through so you can feel better about yourselves.
Running a shop is hard. Especially when you never went to school for business. And never planned on having people work for you. Plus you now have clients with needs, budgets and expectations that make you nauseous. But you’re here now so let’s talk about it. Spoiler alert; you’re doing great.
Recently in the Bureau Slack, a conversation took place about emoji usage among employees. Emojis are part of our language now. And just like words, they matter. So listen as Gene and Carl talk about the history, evolution and impact emojis are having on how we communicate.
What's the personal toll of running your own company? The emotional side, the impact it has on your family. You're going to be torn between providing for your family financially versus emotionally and it will drive your decisions. What ways would you do things differently if you had a chance to do it all again?
How do you build trust through transparency in your organization. How much is too much and what happens if you go too far or don't give it the respect it deserves.
Even shops with healthy cultures and deep pockets are experiencing turnover and struggling to hire. Look at almost any research and you'll see that a competitive salary is an important part of the equation, but not the most important. So there are opportunities to get to yes with a reasonable salary if it's partnered with great benefits and flexibility. But even that's not going to be enough. We've got to let go of some old beliefs and reinvent our companies. Because otherwise, we probably won't want to work there ourselves before too long. Read on fearless leader!