Jenny Plant

Account Management Skills is a training company dedicated to helping agencies retain and grow existing client relationships.

Jenny left Publicis LifeBrands as General Manager in 2010 to start the company. Her career in agency account management spans 30 years and experience includes acquisition management, client audits and agency board advisor. She also worked client-side in marketing for a pharmaceutical company in Barcelona, Uriach and Iberia Airlines in London.

Jenny spent three years as a student of Sandler sales training and has a CIM Diploma in Marketing and BTEC Diploma in Business & Finance.

Jenny hosts the podcast “Creative Agency Account Manager” helping account managers develop their skills.


Client-centric Account Growth

10:00-10:50 AM PT

Jenny will share why agencies are generating more predictable revenue from existing client accounts and hard wiring account growth skills into their business.

Jenny brings over 25 years experience in account management and several years client side and will provide actionable insights to help you transform the way you grow client business.

Key topics covered:

  • The future of your client relationships

  • The 3 levers to pull to ensure account growth success

  • Assess your current approach to account growth

  • Key strategies for you to take away and implement

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