Brett Harned

Brett is one of the founding voices of the growing digital project management community. He launched the Digital PM Summit in 2012, and over the past decade has since hosted and spoken to audiences globally. His first book Project Management for Humans was published in July 2017, and his podcast Sprints and Milestones launched in April 2018. His wealth of successful online classes, a YouTube series, and numerous bylines further underscore his experience in consulting and coaching agency and creative teams.

As an independent consultant, coach, and strategist at Same Team Partners, he applies his breadth of knowledge and experience to help clients solve complex challenges around people, processes, and culture. Brett was Vice President of Project Management at award-winning web design agency Happy Cog and a senior PM at global digital agency Razorfish. As a project manager, strategist, and consultant, he's led capital campaigns, managed enterprise website redesigns, and produced new iOS and Android products for Zappos, MTV, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Harvard University.


Get your team’s sh*t together!

How to create and evaluate frameworks for efficient outcomes

MONDAY, October 14
9:30-10:20 AM CT

In today’s world, efficiency is king. Creative and marketing budgets are being cut, and teams are being downsized with an expectation that quality, timeliness, and profitability will remain stable. Doing more with less has been touted as the rallying cry for the creative industry for years, and it’s getting more real by the day. The most successful organizations and leaders have been proactively optimizing their teams and processes for a variety of reasons: innovation, experimentation, and yes, survival.

It’s time to consider how you operate in frameworks and how you evaluate your efficiency within them regularly. This isn’t about retrospectives or postmortems–we’re talking about going deeper: honestly evaluating your team’s relationships, partnerships, communications, collaboration, and culture to evaluate and optimize operations for improving efficiency.

In this session, you will learn the following:

  • How to think about frameworks and how they can inform better processes

  • A lightweight method for identifying and evaluating issues

  • How to engage everyone from your company’s leadership to your most junior team member in evaluation and change

  • How to brainstorm, prioritize, and roadmap solutions

Thank You to Our Wonderful Partners:


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