I’ve been thinking a lot about change lately. Maybe I’ve been a little too upset about all the digital shops for sale these days (I really do try to tone it down when talking about it, believe it or not), or the growing assault on our rights and our democracy. But there is a lot of ebb and flow to life, from our waistlines to our opinions. Most of us aren’t on a straight upward trajectory to where we want to be, but I hope all the little ups and downs have a net upward trend (again, except waist size). And that’s why I write a weekly newsletter that includes information I think is valuable.

I do hope you’ll subscribe to that weekly newsletter, which you can do here. But if not, there’s always the hope that you can change. 😉

Here I’ve collected the best of the best from our April newsletters. I hope something here will benefit your business or your life. But there’s only one way to find out, so read on!

Podcasts and Videos

Websites are designed to bring you customers and drive revenue, which doesn’t always seem to fit the values supposedly embraced by different companies. So what happens when a shop takes a stand and makes ethics a key part of their website development process? I talked to Warren Wilansky about his experience in a Bureau Briefing podcast.

More for your playlist:


It’s amazing how much of life consists of trying to get people to do what you want. It applies to everything from getting kids to brush their teeth to hostage negotiations. Former FBI negotiator Chris Voss outlines key strategies learned in life-or-death situations, and shares how you can use them in your everyday life. Check out Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It.

Other worthwhile additions to your personal library:

Leadership and Business

Have you ever felt like you spend most of your time at work doing things that aren’t really your core job function? Well, according to a survey of over 10,000 workers, you’re not alone. In perhaps the least surprising news I’ve heard in a while, it turns out more than half the day is spent doing “work about work” like answering emails, sending status reports, and so on. 

More reading to build your management skills:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources

I hope that as a leader you’re working to make diversity a core principle of your company. For a lot of us it doesn’t come naturally, which makes the effort even more important. Here are a few resources to help you boost marginalized groups as you work with your own employees and your clients.

That’s about it. There are always chances to learn and grow, so I hope you’ll find these useful. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get info like this once a week, right in your inbox. Otherwise, I’ll see you here next month!
