Wwwhat's Gonna Happen Next? 

The web is a funny place, and I don’t just mean cat memes (but yes, I do also mean cat memes). It’s weird to buy a couch online and then get nothing but couch ads for weeks like you needed a second one. Or say something online and suddenly have a mob of people show up to tell you you're wrong when you were just talking about cats on a couch memes.

I'm new to taking Web 3.0 seriously so I truly welcome others to help educate me. But here's how I understand it.

  • Web 1.0 was the democratization of information

  • Web 2.0 was the democratization of content creation and community

  • Web 3.0 is the democratization of the internet itself

Could Web3 be the salvation of the web? And what's our role in making that happen? Read on and let's see!

What Does Web 3.0 Mean For Us?

I think we can all see that big things are happening with the way we create and consume information on the internet. And Web3 has the potential to fundamentally change a lot about how things work, and we stand at the forefront.

Just like Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, Web 3.0 is a concept built on new technologies. As I mentioned in the opening, first we distributed information, then we created it and now... we can own it? At least that's the thought. Blockchain, Bitcoin, NFTs are all just part of how it will work, none of them are "it" any more than AOL was the internet. But they are important.

Power to the people

In a way, the next iteration of the web is going back to our roots, those wild west days when anyone or anything might be the next big thing that defines our culture.

We have the flexibility to act without holding onto outdated ideas just because that’s the way things have always been done. And that scares the big tech powers that were elevated to god-like status in Web2, because Web3 cuts many of them, and government entities, out of the flow. It's truly about peer-to-peer networking at its best.

And having that back in the control of the people should be a great thing. If nothing else it's exciting as hell.

Who's in charge of this thing?

Here’s where the technobabble eye rolls come into play, so bear with me. Blockchain isn’t just about securing crypto, though that’s a big part of the conversation. It's about creating a place that keeps up with who owns what.

Web3 puts money back into the pockets of everyone who uses it. That could involve something you create, or data you decide to share. You wanna load me up with cookies and tracking links? What's it worth to ya?

Right now, you might create an awesome video that goes viral, and millions of people see it -- and the ads that go along with it. But who pockets that money right now? Normally it's not us, that’s for sure.

With Web3, your online activities can earn you tokens that have real value that you can exchange and invest. We’re talking about control of your own online destiny, made possible by the open ledgers of Blockchain. In the end, you own your little piece of the internet, which totally makes sense since you ARE part of it.

Plus, you should be able to control who sees what portion of your data, secured by Blockchain technology.

The web of the future is really something that can be created by the people and for the people, and it’s emblematic of the way we are all committed to doing business.

It can put the power back in the hands of the creators. But while Web3 seems very enticing, don't forget that humans are still involved. It's going to get messy and confusing and misinformation will abound. But it's time for those of us who have been on the sidelines to get smarter. The next wave of digital services will have Web3 technologies and concepts powering it for years to come.
