Can you help answer these questions?

The holidays are officially here. And what would be a nicer gift than surprising someone with your wonderful insights into a problem they have? Well, you're in luck because that's what this issue of the newsletter is about! Each week there are dozens of questions asked in the Bureau Slack and not all of them get the love they need. So step up, be the hero and spread some knowledge and cheer!

Do you know the answer?

Below are questions that found themselves in the dead letter office of the Bureau. Do you know the answer? If you do, we'll highlight you and your answer in a future issue. Let's go!

  • Does anyone here have experience with Genius Network?

  • We’re looking for a service to print our holiday cards. We tried postable but they have a bar at the bottom of their cards that you can’t remove. Looking for ones that print and mail, and send internationally.

  • For all the design/dev shops out there. How do you define success when a project goes live? What are your metrics from a customer perspective? I'm not talking budget or PM-specific ones, but things that let you know you've done your job to a certain quality standard. PageSpeed, Accessibility testing, Design quality, etc. Do you have a standardized way of doing this?

  • Hi all, who here has experience in Hubspot:

    • Developing Sequences and Drip Campaigns

    • Building qualifications for Qualified Leads and what to do with them once they’ve been established as qualified leads.

  • Wondering if anyone has a job description for a Design Strategist role. It would fall within the growth path for a senior product designer, growing into a role with more client strategy.

  • Does anyone here use Targetprocess as a project management tool?

There you have it. If you have insights or answers please reply to this post to let me know. And special thanks to Bureau Ambassador Alie Szyszka for being the postmaster of the dead letter office. Nice work, Alie!

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