As we roll into November, I start thinking about everything we’ve accomplished this year (and how much we’ll somehow manage to get done before January). We’ve had ups and downs, and through it all a strong core of Bureau members to laugh and cry along with me, and enjoy the occasional Zoom happy hour with. 

That’s why one of my favorite weekly tasks is sending out our newsletter. I know people really appreciate the chance to read up on topics that are important to them, and I love connecting with the community. The newsletter is full of great info, and I collect some of the best resources once a month right here. So, here’s the best of the best from our October newsletters!

From the Bureau and Our Members

We’ve had a lot of new folks join our mailing list since we last discussed this, so you may not have heard about our Pause Clause. It’s our suggested section for your contracts that keeps projects moving along, or put on hold and shuffled to the bottom of the list of priorities, when need-be. It may sound strange, but give it a look!

More Bureau members shining bright:

Business and Productivity

Interns are the unheralded, underpaid grunts of much of the corporate world. But while they are gaining experience in the working world, let’s remember that they have a thing or five they can teach us. And if you want help onboarding and managing interns in a technical field, check out this toolkit.

Other nuts and bolts for a world that includes permanent remote work:

Responsible Operations and Planning

One small mercy we all observed during the height of the pandemic was that we didn’t need to go to conferences and collect pens, cheap water bottles, and t-shirts we would never wear. And now that in-person events are more or less back in full swing, does that mean we have to pretend to care about those things? Not necessarily!

Other ways to care for the planet and people with disabilities:

 Beyond Work

When was the last time you actually sat and did absolutely nothing for even two minutes? Seriously, no distractions or stimuli aside from the gentle waves lulling you into relaxation. No swiping, typing, or even reading. Give it a try, and you might be surprised at how good it feels (and how difficult it is)! 

More things that impact your real life:

We’ve reached the point in the blog where I recommend again that you sign up for our weekly newsletter. I promise not to spam you. But if you’d prefer, you can keep checking back here every month for a concentrated dose of great resources. We’ll see you next month, as long as I don’t end up in a turkey coma and miss the rest of the holidays.
