Can you smell what the Bureau is cookin?

Hey everyone!

With the community continuing to grow at a healthy pace, we now have more resources than ever before to support one another. This is 100% because of the ongoing support of our members. Keep reading to learn more about what's coming next year.

Reinvesting In The Community

With a potential recession and challenging exchange rates for many Bureau members, the first thing we want to do is make attending events easier. This has been one of those edge-of-the-cliff moments where we think we can fly but it’s also a long way down. But what the heck – you’re the wind beneath our wings. We’re going for it!

Online events will now be free to all members 

This includes online webinars, workshops, camps, and summits. If it’s online, it’s included in the cost of your membership.

In-person event costs will be reduced

We’re still working through this, as we want to offer the best price we can, but you can expect lower event costs in 2023 and beyond.

Free Video Playlists Are Coming

As an added bonus, starting next year, videos for all events will be available at no additional cost for members. Not only will this include all events going forward, but we’re also sharing the nearly 400 videos in the Bureau archives. Previously, these were only available to attendees of each event. To make it easier to enjoy this wealth of information, we’ll be creating playlists by role, topic and specific challenges.

Membership Has Its Privileges

Starting next year, all events will be for members only. This will help the community keep growing, which will allow us to offer even more affordable events and benefits in 2024.

Since many of you reading this are the reason for this added value, thank you! Your membership costs will stay the same for as long as you’re a member.

Everyone joining us in 2023 will pay more. How much more? We’re still figuring that out. But if you sign up before the end of the year, you won't have anything to worry about.

What’s Next?

Next week, we’ll be announcing the events for 2023. There are still a lot of details to figure out, but this will let you save dates and also sign up or place a deposit if you want to attend.
