Yasmine Nozile

Yasmine, Founder & CFO at YKira Financial Services, is a driven management consultant professional, with extensive experience in change management, operational process improvement, business transformation, P&L financial management, contract negotiations and HR management. She’s proven the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems to increase customer satisfaction, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Possess highly effective leadership expertise dealing with direct reports/ project resources, contract management, and workflows across multiple organizations.


The Impact of Fractional Roles on Creative Agencies: A New Operational Paradigm

3:00-3:50 PM PT

Join Yasmine as she delves into the transformative effect of fractional roles on the operational landscape of creative agencies. This talk will explore how integrating part-time and freelance experts reshapes traditional agency models, enhances flexibility, and drives innovation. Yasmine will discuss the advantages and challenges of adopting fractional roles, including cost efficiency, access to specialized skills, and the impact on team dynamics and project management.

Attendees will understand why and how creative agencies increasingly rely on fractional roles to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. This session is essential for agency leaders, managers, and HR professionals looking to optimize their workforce strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • The benefits and challenges of fractional roles in creative agencies

  • Strategies for integrating part-time and freelance talent effectively

  • Impact on team dynamics and project management

  • Future trends in the operational ecosystem of creative agencies

  • Uncover the disruptive and enhancing potential of fractional roles in your agency’s operations, providing a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market.

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