Reese Schmit

Reese has been in the software industry for 20 years. She started out in agency and moved through just about every industry, company size, and life cycle of organization building digital products. In that time she has worn many hats, from User Experience Designer to Tech Writer, Project Manager to Product Manager, QA Engineer to ScrumMaster. The knowledge gained from each of these roles allows her to frame problems from different perspectives and foster change through empathy. As Coach and Change Facilitator, she has worked to help organizations drive customer value, transparency, and collaboration and to motivate teams to continuously improve. When she’s not coaching, Reese is volunteering for a number of Agile orgs and conferences. When she’s not doing that, she is either chasing her tiny human girl, two canines, two felines, or two donkeys around, hanging with her amazing husband, or, if by some miracle she gets to sit down and enjoy a porch sit, she’s playing with yarn.


Dismantling the Déjà Vu: Identifying and Unwinding the causes of the most common anti-patterns BEFORE they start!

3:30-4:20 PM CT

I’ve walked into countless organizations “doing Scrum” and I’m almost guaranteed to see the same things over and over from emotionlessly reciting the 3 questions, to breaking a fixed scope project into sprints, to committing to sprints based solely on point total. But why?!? Why do we see these same things over and over?!?

In this session we’ll identify the common anti-patterns, uncover the underlying causes, and determine how to fix them (hopefully) before they start.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify common anti-patterns in product development

  • Uncover the underlying causes

  • Determine ways to overcome and unwind them

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