Let's take back control of our day 💪


Let's take back control of our day 💪

This is probably gonna sound obvious, but if it was more of us would do it. Before we can be effective and motivated we have to know what we want to achieve. Not what needs to get done, there’s a big difference. And there should be alignment in your personal and professional life in what you're doing. If I do X then I can do Y. Here are some things I’m trying to regain my sense of perspective and progress.


Why Are Soft Skills So Damn Hard? 🤷‍


Why Are Soft Skills So Damn Hard? 🤷‍

Michael Scott was clearly the best part of The Office (don’t @ me, Dwight stans). Because while he was not great at the business part of his job, he was even worse at the intangibles. And some of us were probably laughing because of our own insecurities. I feel confident in saying that if you’re reading this, you’re already a better leader than he was.

But since that’s a pretty low bar to clear, we probably all still have some room for improvement as leaders. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the numbers without remembering that we’re all people with wants and needs, and placing a little more emphasis on that side of the business can help with culture, retention and the bottom line, as well. Let’s discuss!


Are you offering "unlimited" time off? 🤷‍♀️


Are you offering "unlimited" time off? 🤷‍♀️

Nobody likes having limits placed on them. After all, this is the land of all-you-can-eat breadsticks, right? And if more is better, unlimited vacation time might be the sweetest treat of all. But can you really let your team take as much time off as they want? What are the rules? And what's the impact if you do?


Are you a control freak? Be careful, it can cost ya!


Are you a control freak? Be careful, it can cost ya!

Sometimes doing something yourself is the best way to get it done, like brushing your teeth. Other times, not so much. If you struggle with being a -- what’s a nicer term for “control freak”? -- you’re not alone. It pretty much goes with the territory of being an entrepreneur. And guess what? When you're keeping control over the small stuff you aren't allowing yourself to focus where you really are the only person for the job. Planning the future of your company!


Covid vs. The Bureau | Round 2


Covid vs. The Bureau | Round 2

Well, well, well. If it isn’t our old friend Covid. And just as we were getting back to in-person events. But wait one darned minute! There’s a big difference this time. We’re ready. Not to say that it doesn’t suck, or that it’s just like it used to be. But that we have a plan.


Let's focus on real change this year.


Let's focus on real change this year.

I spent a few hours reviewing all of the new year's resolutions for businesses and found 34 that had merit. But most of them were more about doing a specific thing versus making changes that impact everything. With that in mind, I categorized them and came up with five actions I think we can all take to make ourselves and our companies better in the new year and beyond. Of course, I could be a cotton-headed ninny muggins. So let me know what you think!


For once, let's surrender to the holidays.


For once, let's surrender to the holidays.

We're all creative leaders. And as leaders, we struggle when the need to lead takes a break. So our brains fill that space with other things we should be doing. And we often feel lazy or afraid an opportunity is slipping away from us if we don't "take advantage of the downtime." Let's collectively say to hell with that. Join us with the 12 steps to relaxing over the holidays.


2022 should be more about you.


2022 should be more about you.

Enough is enough, am I right? We've all been working so hard and we needed to. But now we've got to slow down and take care of ourselves. Take solace in our survival through two of the toughest years humans have collectively faced. Listen in as we go over Carl’s recent Marathon, but the point is how to enjoy life…
