Who’s ready for a beautiful spring? I love this time of year, with the newborn chicks, bunnies, eggs – okay, I’m just thinking about Easter candy. But everything really does seem fresh and new in the spring, and even if the winter derailed our goals a little bit we can recenter ourselves and push forward with renewed determination.

One thing that always picks me up is talking to our incredible Bureau members as they share their wisdom. I’m a better leader and better person for knowing this amazing group of people, and our Slack discussions are full of useful resources and inspiring experiences, and each week I collect select topics to share in our weekly newsletter. I hope you’ll sign up for the newsletter here. But if not, here’s what we talked about in February!

Lead Your Clients

It seems obvious, but take a moment to think about whether you are strategic or reactionary in your client interactions. For example, are you using hard data to drive your insights and plan out your next steps? When you can see what’s coming, you can better set up clients for success. If you haven’t been doing this regularly, pull out at least one useful data point next time you talk to them instead of just doing the bare minimum they tell you to. 

Obviously you are ultimately responsible for delivering what you’re contracted to do, but once in a while you need to let clients know how hard you’re working for them. Be deliberate about how you make changes, and place yourself in a position of strength by making them see that every decision you make is part of a larger strategy, even if it takes more time to plan and implement it. Let them see that you’re delivering them real value for the money, and that you’re a true partner.

Busting Agency Myths

Last month we debuted a new video series called Agency Mythbusters. In the first installment, I met with my pal Nick and we used a combination of experience and research to tackle some persistent questions about scaling your agency. Can you really increase your business by orders of magnitude? Well, scaling in sheer volume is tough, but what if you add more revenue while keeping costs the same to increase your margins? We also talked about what inevitably changes as you grow, including the very culture you worked so hard to establish. Check out the full video here

Caring for Your Team

Everyone in this business runs the risk of burnout, even when things are going really well. But we want you to be able to focus on team wellness all the time, not just as a bandaid when things get tough. To do this, you need to keep an eye on workloads and spot the early warning signs of trouble. You should also make morale a priority all the time, and celebrate even the small wins. When your team isn’t working they should be able to really unplug and unwind. And all the while you should build a culture of growth opportunities and autonomy for your people. 

Be True to Yourself

It’s a bit of an understatement to say things are a little crazy right now, and all of a sudden companies that have made a real statement about DEI are having to make some tough decisions. You might have people come to you with changing priorities, especially if you have government clients. They might ask your thoughts on changing or eliminating their inclusivity messaging, or even ask you to alter your own content if you represent them. If that happens, you need to ask yourself who you are and what you truly believe in. I can’t make that choice for you, but if you decide once and for all what your principles are you can stand by them no matter what happens. Whatever comes, you can then hold your head high.

Another month in the books, and I never cease to be amazed at what Bureau members can accomplish together. Don’t let yourself get too caught up in the highs or the lows of daily life, because we’re all in this marathon together. I hope to see you in your email inbox every week, and I promise not to spam you. Otherwise, I’ll see you back here in April!
