Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Howdy, Goal-Setters!

As we step into February, let's talk about something we all face – the daunting task of keeping up with our plans for the new year. Remember the excitement as we wrote down those ambitious goals in the quiet of late December? Well, it's now time for a little reality check and, more importantly, a chat about adjusting our sails when the wind changes direction

Is That New Goal Still Worth Pursuing?

Have you ever set a goal that seemed exciting at first, but then became a sore spot? You're not alone! Let's take a look at 10 questions that can help us decide when to tweak or trash that new initiative.

  1. Is the Goal Still Relevant?

    • Does this goal still align with my overall vision and priorities?

    • Have there been any significant changes in my personal or professional life that affect the relevance of this goal?

  2. Is the Goal Realistic?

    • Based on current resources (time, money, skills), is this goal achievable?

    • Do I have, or can I realistically acquire, the skills and resources needed to achieve this goal?

  3. Have I Made Progress?

    • Have I seen measurable progress towards this goal?

    • If not, what are the barriers that have prevented progress?

  4. Am I Motivated by This Goal?

    • Does working towards this goal inspire and motivate me?

    • If the goal no longer excites or motivates me, why is that?

  5. Can the Goal Be Broken Down Further?

    • Is the goal too broad or ambitious, making it overwhelming or unmanageable?

    • Can it be broken down into smaller, more manageable sub-goals?

  6. Are There New Opportunities or Information?

    • Have new opportunities or information emerged that could impact this goal?

    • Does this new information suggest a need to modify or abandon the goal?

  7. What Are the Consequences of Tweaking or Trashing the Goal?

    • What would be the impact of changing or abandoning this goal?

    • How does that impact align with my long-term objectives and values?

  8. Is the Timeline Still Appropriate?

    • Is the original timeline for achieving this goal still realistic?

    • Do changes in circumstances warrant an adjustment of the timeline?

  9. What Have I Learned Since Setting This Goal?

    • What insights or new understandings have I gained that might affect this goal?

    • How can these learnings be integrated into a revised goal or approach?

  10. What Does My Intuition Tell Me?

    • What is my gut feeling about this goal?

    • Do I feel a sense of dread or unease when I think about it, or do I feel energized and hopeful?

Failure isn't realizing that what made sense once doesn't make sense now. What is bad is ignoring all the signals and charging ahead anyway. And while it's the last question on the list, always listen to your gut. Your instincts know the way to go.

So my fearless readers, let's not view adjusting our goals as backtracking, but as the smartest strategery. No matter the goal, it's all about progress, not perfection. Keep your chin up, your mind open, and those initiatives flexible. After all, the only constant in life (and business) is change!
