Why Do We Let Data Tell Us What To Do?

In the recent Marketing Role Call, the topic of trusting our gut over data came up and I am so energized by this idea that I rewrote the damned newsletter.

I mean, in a world overflowing with analytics and numbers, data dominates the scene. But as much of this data gets less accurate or effective with GDPR, privacy concerns, and GA4 launching, it's time to take a step back and trust our instincts and experience. Especially when it comes to how we approach marketing ourselves.

We've Been Using Data As a Crutch

I'm not saying analytics aren't valuable. They provide insights, trends, and patterns. But any real breakthrough will take a deep level of understanding and bridging the gaps in the stories that data can't show us. Your intuition, honed by experience and expertise, brings a unique perspective to the table. It allows you to connect the dots, spot opportunities, and drive change that data alone may not reveal.

Finding Clarity in the Fog  

Data is often incomplete, contradictory, or inconclusive. That's where your instincts are a superpower. When faced with a fork in the road, trust your gut to pick the right direction. Your experience is a compass, helping you make informed decisions based on your deep understanding of your company. Let it be your guide when the path is hard to find.

Adapting and Innovating

The digital world moves fast, and data can become outdated in the blink of an eye. That's when your knowledge comes into play. By trusting yourself, you can adapt swiftly to changing circumstances, make timely adjustments, and find new options to generate awareness for your business.

The Human Touch

Data is important to form a picture, but you breathe life into new ideas. Your instincts are influenced by your experiences, emotions, and understanding of your prospects and market. They help you add depth to the data, apply creative thinking, and make decisions that resonate with your target audience. In a world where authenticity matters, you add that human touch to your marketing strategies that data-driven messages can't touch.

Strike the Balance

This isn't to say data is bad, it's more about striking a balance. Insights from analytics provide a solid foundation, and our instincts complement them. Validate your ideas with data, leverage the power of both, and make decisions that are well-informed and innovative. Trusting your gut doesn't mean dismissing data; it means integrating the best of both worlds.e need to recharge ourselves. So let’s keep making time for the real-life connections that make a world of difference.

We all need to take a minute to pause, relax, and remember we know a lot about what the hell works and what doesn't when it comes to how we market ourselves. Combining our intuition with good data is a powerful way to make our decision-making more effective. So trust yourself and that great idea. 
