With great growth comes great opportunity. 

As the community continues to get bigger, we're reminded of the little lessons we've learned along the way. Like the importance of balancing power and responsibility. So let's tackle the challenges that come with rapid growth and create an even more vibrant and valuable community. Venture on fearless reader and see what's coming soon for the Bureau community.

A Little Structure for Continued Growth

The Bureau started over a decade ago as a way for 24 shops to help one another by creating a safe space. A place where we could foster strong connections and open communication. This foundation has allowed us to grow and thrive together, creating a unique and supportive community for everyone involved. But as things grow, what used to work can show some wear and tear, but we don't want to lose the foundation. So take a look at what we've got planned for the days and months ahead.

Community Guidelines 

To maintain a safe and open environment, we're establishing clear community guidelines that outline expectations for all members. These guidelines will help ensure that everyone can share their challenges honestly and receive thoughtful feedback.

Rethinking Events 

As our community evolves, so must our events. We are committed to reimagining our events to cater to the needs and budgets of our members, ensuring they remain accessible and valuable to all.

Balancing Expertise

While limiting the number of non-agency members, we'll still strive to provide valuable insights from subject matter experts in fields like legal, finance, and human resources. This balance will help maintain a diverse and knowledgeable community.

Increasing Signal with Bureau Playlists

In our ongoing effort to only share things you'd care about, we've made great progress in creating playlists for each role in the community. The hundreds of Bureau videos are now organized and we're working on articles next. Stay tuned!

Slack Private Channel Audits

To ensure that everyone is in the appropriate private channels, we will be surveying members to determine who should be included. Then we'll conduct an audit and gently make adjustments. This will help maintain the integrity of our private channels and help everyone feel open to sharing the hard things.

Vetting Sponsors and Ongoing Member Reviews

We strive to find sponsors that allow us to offer more to our members while only partnering with trusted products and services. To ensure that our partnerships remain valuable and relevant, we will be actively seeking feedback from our community members quarterly regarding their experiences with sponsors. This approach will benefit our members by providing additional resources and opportunities while allowing us to continually evaluate and improve our sponsor relationships.

Improving Lead Sharing

We recognize that lead sharing is a popular yet sometimes frustrating part of the community. To improve this process, we are adding a human review element and refining the system to better serve the needs of our community members. 

Local Meetups

We were on the verge of launching local meetups when that dreaded virus took us all by storm. Well, it's time to give it another go. But this time we've got a secret weapon, our good friends at Parallax will be supporting us from logistics to programming so we can come out of the gate with a bang. We have our top locations selected and will be sharing more very soon.

Weekly Slack Roundups

Lastly, we're excited to introduce weekly roundups by role, using ChatGPT to anonymize and create articles on valuable discussions. This will help our members stay informed and connected, as we continue to grow and have more valuable insights.

Believe it or not, there's more, but this is what we've got on the front burner(s). Thanks to our Ambassadors, Partners, and our core team for making all of this a possibility. 
