Is 9 to 5 really best for everyone?

A diverse team makes for a kick-ass workplace, right? Most of us have found that when we bring in people with different backgrounds they come up with better ideas that lead to better products. And if we're bringing in people with different experiences, then it makes sense they'll approach work differently. This also means they may work on a different schedule. There's been a lot of discussion in the community lately about in-office vs. remote work, but what about alternative work schedules? Personally, I'm best at creative tasks early in the morning and engaging with others in the afternoon. But by 4 pm, I'm fairly worthless. You may be completely opposite and do your best work as a night owl. So let’s dig into this and see why we should embrace flexible work hours.

5 Reasons to Consider Alternative Work Schedules

Last week we talked about how important it is to keep that flexible work/life flow to stay energized and motivated. And while you want your team to be driven and focused all the time, you need to remember they also have their own lives. And depending on their role and personal situation, that old 9 to 5 schedule probably isn't the best for them either. So why not consider allowing your people to choose their own schedules? 

Some of your people already are

You probably know this (and if not, I hate to break it to you), but a lot of work is already being done after hours. New launches, pushing updates, and maintenance work are best done at night. Emails and client calls inevitably bleed into personal time. Off-site meetings involve the weekends. Social time with your team or clients is gonna be early or late. And with the addition of time zone roulette, all bets are off. Let's face it, the work genie is out of the "normal hours" bottle. Why not make it official?

It brings in the best talent

Choosing a schedule can be a huge incentive for potential employees when they consider a job offer, much like paid time off, stipends, and good insurance. And unlike other perks, this doesn't even cost you extra dough. A survey by found that 80% of people would take a flexible job over one that wasn’t. The same number said it gives them more loyalty to their employer as well.

It helps you keep your people

Retention is a massive headache for most of us, with people constantly jumping ship for greener pastures (enough with the metaphors, already.) The good news is that a flexible schedule goes a long way toward keeping people happy, with studies showing a higher degree of job satisfaction among employees who have a say in their work hours. It also keeps people more engaged, and therefore more productive. Everyone really does win.

It’s healthier

Stress is the great equalizer in daily life, and everyone feels it. But you know who feels it less? People with flexible hours, according to a study by the Kenexa High Performance Institute. Only about one in five people with flexible schedules felt over-stressed, compared to a solid two-thirds of people with stricter hours. I mean, 20% is still a lot, but it's way better.

It’s better for the planet

Allowing alternative work schedules means you don’t necessarily have everyone coming to work during rush hour (assuming there's an office to come to, of course). That means shorter drives and less pollution, along with a lower cost of living. The company might also have fewer people in the office at one time, allowing you to keep your physical footprint to a minimum, reducing costs as well as carbon emissions.

Some final thoughts

How these alternative schedules work is up to you. But I strongly recommend that at a minimum you have core "office" hours established for each person, during which the team knows they will be available. Beyond that, you might have set schedule options they can choose from, four-day work weeks, flex time, or any other creative solutions that keep the team fresh and the work getting done. I also suggest you ask your people for ideas and preferences before making a decision. After all, this really is about them.

Flexible schedules are a great, inexpensive way to increase morale and possibly make everyone happier, including you.
