Last month we celebrated Independence day, and you know what that means -- it’s time to check out all the Halloween decorations at the store! Seriously, though, the summer is flying by. There’s so much to do every day and so little time to get it done that we need all the productivity help we can get. Fortunately for the members of the Bureau, we have a solid group of pros who are always ready to jump in with a helpful word or just the right tool to solve someone else’s problem.

The key to this supportive community is our Slack, where we go to vent our frustrations, share cat memes, and look for new ways to improve our companies. You can get the best of this goodness distilled and sent straight to your inbox every week by signing up for our weekly newsletter. If you missed them among all the Spirit Halloween ads, though, here’s the best of the best from our July newsletters. 


After two plus years of pandemic, economic uncertainty, social unrest and so many other challenges, it’s not a big surprise that even executives are feeling burned out and are ready to call it quits, looking for greener pastures elsewhere. There’s also still a disconnect between how managers think employees are doing and how the average worker actually feels.

Other helpful leadership reads:


As much as we all hate meetings, the root of the most promising business innovation is still collaborative efforts. The best and brightest minds working together can come up with the most brilliant solutions. And as much as we all love working at home in our pajamas, there is a definite difference in the way we collaborate virtually instead of in person (wait, maybe wearing pants is actually the key to good ideas). This Nature article dives into how innovation is suffering in a world where remote work is the new norm. 

More about the 9 to 5 world:

Life Lessons

Every day we’re flooded with so much information from news, email, social media, etc. that sifting through it to find the nuggets of useful inspiration is incredibly difficult. And when we do come across something special, we almost always forget it. Building a second brain is a concept to help us organize our digital lives to make the most of the useful ideas that comes our way.

More to help make the most of your life, whether in or out of the office:

Well, it’s time to wrap it up for now. Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter (we promise that we have a strict no spam policy). But if you just can’t handle one more email a week, we’ll see you right here next time! 
