If the news lately is any indication, there are so many things in life that are beyond our control. You never know when something tragic might happen, so I hope you express your love often to the special people in your life. But even though we have no idea just how long we may have, it’s up to us to make the most of our time on earth.

Each week we send Bureau members a newsletter with the latest updates from our community, sharing tips and resources to make them better leaders and better people. I hope you’ll subscribe here. But if your inbox is already overflowing and even one more email per week will make you crazy, we’ve collected the best of the best from our May newsletters here for your convenience. 


It’s still top of mind for managers across the country, but it’s not all doom and gloom. After all, The Great Resignation Has Happened Before, according to the Culture Builder Newsletter. Check it out for thoughts on what is going on and how you can weather the storm.

Extra reading for more enlightenment: 


This month’s reading list is focused on new managers, though even us old timers still have plenty to learn. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 explores four key areas to help managers be more effective leaders from the inside out. 

More books to integrate into your brain space:

Leadership and Business

Everyone has experienced the dreaded 4:00 Friday meeting, when you’re already mentally checked out and your time is less than effective. The pandemic has caused the overall number of meetings to skyrocket for office workers, which impacts the work/life balance. The Atlantic dives into what happens when there are simply too many meetings.

Extra credit reading for managers:

Reproductive Rights

This deserves its own section this month, considering what we expect the Supreme Court to do this summer. But while corporate America doesn’t have a reputation for sensitivity to healthcare needs of workers, there are an increasing number of companies that are stepping up, like Levi’s.

More good news for our members to digest as they consider their own policies:

That’s it for now. Things may seem bleak at times (okay, most of the time), but as long as we support each other and try to be our best selves there is always hope. Remember, you can sign up for our weekly newsletter to get these resources in your email every week.
