I think of September as a month of transition, from the long hot days of Florida summer to the slightly shorter hot days of Florida fall. Of course, your mileage may vary, depending on where you call home. But one thing that never changes is the need to surround yourself with good people, and I feel extremely lucky to associate with Bureau members. Our Slack conversations range from the silly to the serious, and every week we send out the most useful conversation topics in our weekly newsletter. 

But we also collect them here every month. So, without further ado, here is the best of the best from our September newsletters!

Business and Productivity

Nobody really wants to admit they might be wrong, or that they might be letting personal feelings influence a decision. But we all have biases, and the first step toward overcoming them is acknowledging that they exist. Well, buckle up! Visual Capitalist put together an infographic of every cognitive bias we know.

More about managing your company well:

The Intersection of Personal Life and Business

No matter how much we strive for equality in the workplace, the fact is we all lead different lives with our own individual commitments. And that means our time outside the office can be especially precious. What happens when we turn down those “optional” after-hours invites? Samantha Unrau gives us her take.

More about issues affecting home and work lives:


News and Events

It was a stunning announcement: Billionaire founder of Patagonia Yvon Chouinard decided it was time to fully embrace his commitment to helping the earth, by placing it in the hands of a nonprofit dedicated to fighting climate change. All future profits will be used to protect the environment, setting an incredible example for other businesses to consider.

Other things to think about:


There’s really too much goodness being floated around by Bureau members every week to include it all here (including weekly pet photos!), so you really should consider signing up for our weekly newsletter. But if you hate puppies, I guess we’ll just see you here next month!
