It’s time to smash those jack-o’-lanterns, turn them into pumpkin pie, and try to focus on what we’re grateful for. Because while there are plenty of negatives in the world these days, there’s also a lot of good to remember in our daily lives. And some of the most positive people I know are members of the Bureau. In our Slack they are always sharing the most helpful books, podcasts and tools for running a successful business.

Each week we send out a newsletter with a selection of the finest and freshest content that’s on our minds - I highly recommend you partake of that by signing up here. But if you’d rather feast on a month’s worth of material all at once, here’s the best content from our October newsletters.

Articles, Books & Podcasts

Sometimes everything is looking great for your agency and the future is bright. But then there are the other times, when the pressures of business struggles and trying to maintain a personal life are mounting. Peter Kang of Barrell shares his perspective on Agency Survival: Handling Challenging Times for the Business. 

Or maybe you’re already looking forward to how things will be different after we fully emerge from the pandemic (it’ll happen someday, right?). For a discussion on our relationship with ourselves, others and technology, read Restart - Designing a Healthy Post-Pandemic Life. 

More words of wisdom can be found in:

Mental Health

It’s the topic that in itself can cause us some anxiety, especially now. I don’t think I know anyone who isn’t at least a little worse for wear after the last couple of years. But sometimes we don’t recognize the signs of mental illness in ourselves, and others need to help us. Inc. shares 15 signs that your employees might be depressed, even if they don’t realize it.

Additional mental health topics:

Tools & Resources

Looking for a new tool to help your team with collaboration? Why not take a look at Jira Work Management? It can help with project management and reporting, and it includes a highly configurable interface. If you are working to improve your domain name services, try DNSimple. This tool uses a simple but powerful API to help you register and secure all your domains.

More tools to keep your business running smoothly:

There’s a veritable cornucopia of resources at your disposal (you know I had to work in one more Thanksgiving reference). I’m grateful we have so much knowledge to share with each other. Since you're undoubtedly busy, I highly recommend signing up for our weekly newsletter. But if not, we’ll be back next month to share even more great resources for your enlightenment.
