2021 Bureau of Digital Events Lineup — Bureau of Digital

Grab a cup of coffee and take a load off. We've got so much goodness to share about 2021! But just in case you don't have a lot of time...

We’re taking what we learned from you and creating the most valuable lineup of events we’ve ever done. And as a Bureau member you can save nearly $7,000 off of event registration. Check out your 2021 Bureau of Digital Events.

And if you’re ready for all the glorious details...


2020 caught us by surprise but taught us so much about the Bureau Community and our resilience. We learned what mattered most. We also realized the need to do more when it comes to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion, at work and in our communities.

This year, even though we found ourselves in Zoom way more than we ever expected, we still enjoyed the same smiling faces, heard the same laughter, experienced the same growth as ideas, concepts and wisdom were shared among peers.

But there was something else we gained…insights. We learned more about what mattered to you; the topics, the challenges, the successes and failures. And unlike any year before, we analyzed what our community shared and discussed within the Bureau Slack channel, what events you showed up for and your feedback. And speaking of great, attendees gave Bureau online events a 4.8 out of 5 for satisfaction.

I know what you’re asking. What about in-person events? Are they coming back next year? The short answer, we hope so. The realistic answer, we have to wait and see. 

But we can tell you this, we don’t anticipate any in-person events before October 2021. Even then, the online events have really helped a lot of people join us who were never able to before. So once in-person events are back, their on-line counterparts are here to stay.

Alright already, without further delay, let’s take a look at the types of events you’ll be attending in 2021. You can also jump to the full list of events on the website.

Bureau Pop-Up Events

Sometimes things happen and we need support right away. Never was this more true than in 2020. And that’s where Bureau Pop-Up events come into play. This year they included a How to Lead in Chaotic Times Webinar, a PPP Loan Forgiveness Q&A, a Bureau Town Hall on Diversity, and a Remote Holiday Party brainstorming session. While 2021 will hopefully be a more “normal” year, we’ve scheduled times each month for these special events that give us what we need when we need it.

Bureau Sessions

One of the most popular new events, every month we have a one-hour Zoom call where you talk with a few of your peers about whatever the heck you want. We take care of all the setup, you just show up. These are the hallway conversations and social connections we’ve all been missing. In 2021, Bureau Sessions will be a members only event.

Bureau Workshops

Every month we’ll have a workshop focused on helping you improve in your role as a leader in digital. The topics are all based on frequently asked questions, conversations or critical info which help you advance your skills and knowledge. These workshops will up your game and help your company’s bottom line.

Bureau Camps

These are the events that created the Bureau. It’s about dedicated time away from work where you can have facilitated conversations over shared challenges with a group of your peers. Best of all, you’ll stay in touch with your new Bureau pals long after camp ends.

Bureau Main Events

As the Bureau grew, so did the desire to get more of us together. Owner Summit, Digital PM Summit, Beyond Diversity and the not yet announced Bureau Leadership Week (oops!) are your opportunities to connect with a few hundred colleagues as you collectively learn from the best. These larger events are made up of presentations, breakout discussions, interactive sessions, lightning talks and social activities. 

Membership is Everything

While Bureau Membership has been strong for years, it tripled in size in 2020. We all felt the power of being connected. And while we’re all hopeful that the new year will be less stressful, our reliance on each other will only strengthen because of everything we’ve been through. This is what the Bureau is all about. We’d love for you to join us.

That’s gonna do it for now, but stay tuned for updates and details in the weeks ahead. And as always, thanks so much for your support!

