Design Leadership Camp at the C Lazy U, April 24–28, 2022
C Lazy U, 3640 Colorado Hwy 125, Granby, Colorado 80446
Tackle Your Toughest Challenges
At Design Leadership Camp, everyone is a presenter, and has important insights to share. During our time together, we’ll dig into challenges that you’re facing right now, and open up conversations for solutions. We connect with everyone prior to Camp, so rest assured, we’ll talk about the things you care about most.
“As we grow into our roles managing and leading people, projects and programs, we find ourselves giving a lot of feedback to our teams, but not getting much insight into how we might improve our own performance. Design Leadership Camp is a rare opportunity to gain insights from like-minded leaders. Despite the different industries and range of experience, we shared a remarkably similar set of challenges. Stepping away from my day-to-day and getting this chance to interact with other design leaders was inspiring.”
— Margaret Lee, Director, UX Community & Culture, Google
How Camp is Structured
Curious how each day unfolds? Here’s a rough timeline with anticipated topics. We’ll finalize the agenda a few weeks out with input from attendees to make sure our time together is as valuable as possible.
Sunday, April 24
By 4:00 PM : Arrive at the C Lazy U
6:00 PM: Welcome Reception & Group Dinner
Monday, April 25
7:30–9:00 AM : Breakfast
10:00–11:00 AM : Welcome & Introductions
11:00 AM–12:00 PM : The Winding Path of a Design Leader
12:00–1:30 PM : Lunch
1:30–2:45 PM : Camp Session
3:00–4:15 PM : Shout It from the Rooftops: Evangelizing the Value of Design
4:15–4:30 PM : Wrap Up
6:00 PM : Group Dinner
Camp Sessions: As a group, we decide the topics we’d like to dig into deeper, and break out into small groups. Nothing is off limits, so bring your ideas and questions to the table.
Tuesday, April 26
7:30–9:00 AM : Breakfast
10:00–11:00 AM : Getting Sh*t Done: Process & Teams
11:00 AM–12:00 PM : Camp Session
12:00–1:30 PM : Lunch
1:30–2:45 PM : What Change? Leading Growth and the Evolution of Culture and Community
3:00–4:15 PM : Camp Session
4:15–4:30 PM : Wrap Up
6:00 PM : Group Dinner
Wednesday, April 27
7:30–9:00 AM : Breakfast
9:30 AM–12:00 PM : Join us for some fun ranch activities
12:00–1:30 PM : Lunch
2:00–3:00 PM : Selling Design
3:00–4:00 PM : Camp Session
4:00–5:00 PM : Open Skate
5:00–5:10 PM : Wrap Up
6:00 PM : Closing Dinner
Thursday, April 28
7:30–9:00 AM : Breakfast (if you’re still on the ranch)
9:30 AM : Morning activities (if you’re still on the ranch)
10:00 AM : Check out
12:00–1:00 PM : Lunch (if you’re still on the ranch)
Thank You to Our Wonderful Partner:
Interested in sponsoring Design Leadership Camp? Let's connect.